Chief 草飼牛肉乾-辣椒味 30克
最佳日期: 25/11/2025
當您想要一份乾淨的零食來滿足您對美味的渴望時,您一定會喜歡我們的肉乾。就像慢煮比用微波爐加熱更好一樣,我們慢慢風乾牛肉,這意味著它自然比jerky肉乾更嫩、更健康。不含乾肉和醃肉中常見的所有令人討厭的東西,糖含量極低,味道與 100% 有機、草飼、草精加工、再生養殖的澳洲牛肉不同。有機和草飼意味著我們的牛肉不含您可能想要避免的物質,例如添加的荷爾蒙、農藥和除草劑(如草甘膦、mRNA 和 Bovaer 飼料)。
容量: |
30g |
- 有機草飼草成品澳洲牛肉
- 營養豐富得令人難以置信,每 30 克含有 72 克牛肉,我們只除去水的重量
- 14克天然原始蛋白質
- 低碳水化合物,每份僅 0.9 克
- 不添加糖,每份僅 0.8 克
- 血紅素鐵的良好來源(10% RDI)
- 維生素 B12 的良好來源(44% RDI)
- 不含防腐劑(不添加硝酸鹽或亞硝酸鹽)
- 不含麩質和乳製品
- 清真認證
每份 |
30g |
能量 |
345 kJ / 82 Cal |
蛋白質 |
13.6g |
- 麩質 |
Nil Detected |
脂肪 |
2.5g |
- 飽和 |
0.9g |
碳水化合物 |
1.1g |
- 糖 |
0.9g |
鈉 |
623mg |
鐵 |
1.2mg (10% RDI) |
核黃素 |
0.2mg (9% RDI) |
菸鹼酸 |
3.3mg (33% RDI) |
維生素B12 |
0.9μg (44% RDI) |
成分: 有機草飼牛肉 (92%)、椰子胺基酸、醋、鹽、辣椒、香料(小茴香、肉荳蔻、辣椒粉和黑胡椒)。沒有大蒜或洋蔥。
- 將它們放在包包或手套箱中(熱力不會影響它們)以快速消除飢餓
- 將它們放在您的食品儲藏室中,作為一種無需準備的方法即可在膳食中添加蛋白質
- 無需冷藏即可保存長達 10 個月。放入冰箱或冷凍庫可延長保存時間。
- 運動後享用優質蛋白質的絕佳選擇
- 孩子們也喜歡它!
Chief 草飼牛肉乾-傳統風味 30克
When you want a clean snack to satisfy your savoury cravings, you'll love our biltong. Just like slow cooking is better than zapping in a microwave, we slow air dry our beef which means it's naturally more tender and healthier than jerky. Free from all the nasty stuff you usually find in dried and cured meats, very low in sugar and taste the difference with 100% organic, grass-fed, grass-finished, regeneratively farmed Aussie beef. Being organic and grass-fed means our beef is free from things you might be trying to avoid like added hormones, pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate, mRNA and Bovaer feed.
Perfect pre or post exercise or simply as a clean, high protein, low carb treat that'll get you through to meal time without filling you up too much. They're also perfect to keep in the pantry to use with your weekly meal prep. Use them to add a high quality protein source to salads, pizza and more.

Chief. 膠原蛋白棒 - 檸檬味 45克
Explore Cuisine 黑豆意粉 227克