顯示所有 12 個結果

Explore Cuisine 黑豆意粉 227克

KEY FEATURES: Organic High protein and fibre Certified gluten-free Suitable for vegan Black soybeans are rich in both history and

Explore Cuisine 鷹嘴豆螺絲粉 250克

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $35.00.
KEY FEATURES: Organic High protein and fibre Certified gluten-free Suitable for vegan Explore Cuisine Searches the Globe to bring you

Explore Cuisine 毛豆綠豆意大利寬麵 227克

KEY FEATURES: Organic High protein and fibre Certified gluten-free Suitable for vegan Edamame is regarded as one of the world’s

Explore Cuisine 毛豆意粉 227克

KEY FEATURES: Organic High protein and fibre Certified gluten-free Suitable for vegan Delicately mild in taste, Explore Cuisine’s Edamame Spaghetti

Explore Cuisine 紅扁豆通心粉 250克

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $35.00.
KEY FEATURES: Organic High protein and fibre Certified gluten-free Suitable for vegan Explore Cuisine Searches the Globe to bring you

Planty Kitchen 糙米拉麵 280g

Plenty Kitchen植意廚房是一個無麩質植物基食品品牌。由多年深耕健康食品研發和供應鏈質量管理的團隊創立。 全球甄選高營養密度的超級食物、優質食材。聯手專業的合作伙伴,致力於為追求清潔標籤飲食和健康環保生活方式的人們,提供更方便、更安心、用料更優的無麩質複合調味品和主食。讓每一餐都充滿被用心對待的幸福感。讓堅持健康飲食變得更輕鬆、簡單。 "Healing your family and yourself with natural and beautiful food" is the original intention of Planty Kitchen.

Planty Kitchen 松茸牛肝菌醬 200g

Original price was: $68.00.Current price is: $35.00.
KEY FEATURES: No Cane Sugar Added Dairy Free Gluten Free Vegan Planty Kitchen is a gluten-free plant-based food brand. Founded

Planty Kitchen 黑莓果黑米拉麵 280g

Plenty Kitchen植意廚房是一個無麩質植物基食品品牌。由多年深耕健康食品研發和供應鏈質量管理的團隊創立。 全球甄選高營養密度的超級食物、優質食材。聯手專業的合作伙伴,致力於為追求清潔標籤飲食和健康環保生活方式的人們,提供更方便、更安心、用料更優的無麩質複合調味品和主食。讓每一餐都充滿被用心對待的幸福感。讓堅持健康飲食變得更輕鬆、簡單。 "Healing your family and yourself with natural and beautiful food" is the original intention of Planty Kitchen

Planty Kitchen 番茄酸湯醬 200g

Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $27.00.
KEY FEATURES: No Cane Sugar Added Dairy Free Gluten Free Vegan Planty Kitchen is a gluten-free plant-based food brand. Founded

Thés de la Pagode伯爵綠茶茶包 20包裝 40克

KEY FEATURES: Our tea plants grow under palm trees in forests Forests in altitude of between 1200 and 1800 metres.