Karma Bites 焦糖蓮子脆脆 25克

KEY FEATURES: A truly blessed combination of goodness and sweetness; every bite lovingly bathed in a delicious layer of caramel.

Karma Bites 椰子雲呢嗱味蓮子脆脆 25克

KEY FEATURES: A gorgeous rhapsody of goodness; every bite gently intertwined with a sublime fusion of coconut and vanilla.

Karma Bites喜馬拉亞鹽味蓮子脆脆 25克

KEY FEATURES: Himalayan Pink Salt is pure. It’s got minerals. It’s got health benefits. It’s a match made in heaven

Karma Bites 葡式辣味蓮子脆脆 25克

KEY FEATURES: Goodness enlivened with a little added spice; every bite delicately infused with a piquant peri-peri glaze.

Karma Bites 山葵味蓮子脆脆 25克

KEY FEATURES: Glorious goodness with an inner strength; every bite carefully dusted with the finest and fieriest Japanese wasabi.