Remedy 有機紅茶菌-青檸薄荷味 330ml
Salus 鈣鎂鋅健骨補充液250毫升
Explore Cuisine 黑豆意粉 227克
PURE 鎂(甘胺酸)120毫克
$323.00 – $555.00
Kneipp 再生平復按摩精油100毫升
PURE One 複合維他命 60粒
Kneipp 溫和山雞椒精油潤膚露 200毫升
PURE O.N.E. 歐米茄
$530.00 – $893.00
Flora 富蘿菁華草茶(護士茶)
$378.00 – $638.00
Kneipp 溫和杏花潤膚露 200毫升
PURE 骨平衡 210粒
Udo's 奧米加3.6.9 DHA混合油 250毫升
PURE Buffered Ascorbic Acid Powder 227g
PURE Liposomal Glutathione Liquid 50ml
PURE Ginkgo 50 – 160mg 120’s
PURE B12 液體 30毫升
PURE 鈣/鎂 (檸檬酸鹽) 180粒
Ecostore Baby Nappy Balm 60ml
Flora 綠色食物補充劑 255克
TNCL Excalibur 9層食物脫水機
Salus 鈣鎂鋅健骨補充液250毫升
ParaKito 驅蚊蟲噴霧 (防水防汗) 75毫升
ParaKito 驅蚊蟲噴霧 (敏感肌) 75毫升
PURE 維生素 D3 VESlsorb 60粒
PURE 鋅30 60粒
PURE 鎂(甘胺酸)120毫克
$323.00 – $555.00
Flora 骨骼健康+ 236ml
Udo's 奧米加3.6.9 DHA混合油 250毫升
Flora 乳薊草保肝配方 60粒
VROVIT 脂質體薑黃 60 粒
PURE 維生素 D3 液體 22.5毫升
Udo's 長者益生菌配方30粒
Flora 葡萄籽精華 60 粒裝
PURE 消化酵素 Ultra 90粒
PURE 液體脂質維他命C 120毫升
PURE B-複合物 +
$319.00 – $536.00
Luv Sum 腰果椰子能量球42克
Heylo 鎂汽水-檸檬味 300ml
Karma Bites 焦糖蓮子脆脆 25克
Chief. 膠原蛋白棒 - 檸檬味 45克
Chief. 膠原蛋白棒 - 榛子布朗尼味 45克
Salus 阿爾卑斯草本喉糖 75克
Chief 草飼牛肉乾-傳統風味 30克
When you want a clean snack to satisfy your savoury cravings, you'll love our biltong. Just like slow cooking is better than zapping in a microwave, we slow air dry our beef which means it's naturally more tender and healthier than jerky. Free from all the nasty stuff you usually find in dried and cured meats, very low in sugar and taste the difference with 100% organic, grass-fed, grass-finished, regeneratively farmed Aussie beef. Being organic and grass-fed means our beef is free from things you might be trying to avoid like added hormones, pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate, mRNA and Bovaer feed.
Perfect pre or post exercise or simply as a clean, high protein, low carb treat that'll get you through to meal time without filling you up too much. They're also perfect to keep in the pantry to use with your weekly meal prep. Use them to add a high quality protein source to salads, pizza and more.

Chief 草飼牛肉乾-煙燻燒烤味 30克
When you want a clean snack to satisfy your savoury cravings, you'll love our biltong. Just like slow cooking is better than zapping in a microwave, we slow air dry our beef which means it's naturally more tender and healthier than jerky. Free from all the nasty stuff you usually find in dried and cured meats, very low in sugar and taste the difference with 100% organic, grass-fed, grass-finished, regeneratively farmed Aussie beef. Being organic and grass-fed means our beef is free from things you might be trying to avoid like added hormones, pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate, mRNA and Bovaer feed.
Perfect pre or post exercise or simply as a clean, high protein, low carb treat that'll get you through to meal time without filling you up too much. They're also perfect to keep in the pantry to use with your weekly meal prep. Use them to add a high quality protein source to salads, pizza and more.

Organic Traditions 有機椰糖 227克
Lemon Pharma 有機濃縮薑汁 20毫升
Organic Traditions 有機綠寶姜黃益生菌 100克
Go Good 乳清蛋白粉 (有機香蕉味) 500克
Nutra Organic 牛骨湯粉-原味 125g
Chief. 草飼膠原蛋白粉 – 原味 450克
Chief. 草飼膠原蛋白粉 – 香草味 450克