Having overcome stage 4 cancer twice, my life mission is to empower the sick and equip people to take back control of their health. Using nutrition, lifestyle changes and daily practices to form a sound mind, I am not just alive today to tell my story, but fully alive to pursue this passion of bringing healing and wellbeing to all people.
Food for Life was birthed during this cancer journey to serve this mission. Be it our stores, workshops, blogs or products, each is offered with the intent to provide you with the tools to live life to its fullest.
Understanding that many voices and noises can create great confusion, we hope to provide science based information, not to convince, but for you to decide whether it's suited for you. The brands and products offered are carefully selected to provide healthier options or as an upgrade to current ones. The products and brands all carry some kind of label to it, like, "gluten free", "organic", "vegan" or "sustainable". But what they all have in common is that they are selected with health in mind.
My philosophy is to always question and to encourage a learner’s mind because whatever new diet, superfood or lifestyle we are touting today, it is always only part of the bigger picture we will know in the future.
If you’re looking to live longer and stronger, whether it’s for your children, your spouse or yourself, you’ve taken that first important step to ‘want it’ and my team and I are here to partner with you in your unique health journey to discovering this life of abundance.
South China Morning Post - ‘Don’t hide fear’: how cancer survivor managed negative emotions and diet to beat illness – twice
Hive Life - Life Beyond Cancer: Nutritionist Denise Tam Talks Food, Fear & Compassion
Huffpost - Journey with Cancer - Two-time Cancer Survivor
Health Now Nutrition Inc. - Denise Tam, 2x Cancer Survivor, Holistic Nutrition
Expat Living HK - Do you need supplements?
EcoZine - Food for Life - Promoting healthy lifestyles
Personal Blog - My Cancer Healing Journey